Also do you think for a second that if our taxes went up that any one of us would vote for him again , that’s why he was elected in the first place, we were tired of the Dc’s Justice League Shirt and weakness. This came from a review, direct from politicians. Do teachers get to write off out of pocket business expenses? No. Do corporations get those exact same write offs? Yes. Everything corporations are still allowed to take off, citizens are having those removed.
Dc’s Justice League Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Ladies T-Shirt

This tax plan will create jobs and grow the economy. Don’t you realize that corporate taxes are eventually paid by you and me in increased cost of goods and services to a large degree? If we can get corporations to bring the billions of dollars they have offshore back to the US that will create jobs. The child tax credit is increased dramatically and the standard deduction is raised dramatically. This will absolutely help the middle class.

It is better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all shadow of a doubt. What’s wrong with the statement that makes you worried about someone’s hurt butt? Are you rich or just stupid? And it’s the poors butt that must be hurting because the GOP has been screwing them for decades. Looks like that old man has broken the very virtue of ” freedom of speech and expression” which Americans dearly hold it up high.

Dc’s Justice League Shirt, V-Neck, Tank-Top, Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Yes, because the democrats who control and have controlled the largest metro areas for decades do so much to help the poor. But sure, keep on believing stealing from the most productive people in society will help everyone. Trump is the man and that democrat looks like a rat. Trump has brought America back. Euro no longer leads the way. Have fun with the immigration globalism. We love our president and America first. People can get out if not.

He started with the name Trudeau and was in third place in the polls. His name got him little if anything. He was the first one with policy, and the only one who stayed with policy in the campaign. The Conservatives did grade school personal attacks, and lost badly even after having tried to rig the election. Trudeau is the only politician in Canadian history to come from third place to win. He is very bright and if the Conservatives don’t figure that out they are history.

It certainly was not a massive majority. You’ve invented that. He is corrupt and only appeals to people who like to believe in obvious fiction. He is a traitor and funds terrorism. Try to stop being part of the Dc’s Justice League Shirt. He has really put Canada on a destructive path. Possibly irreversible. Be careful what you say about Trudeau. He is loved by terrorists and islamists….his friends may come after you. They love him. He even wants to cuddle, love and reintegrate ISIS terrorists back into our society.