The way people have been raised to be is disgusting. Making fun of others and making peoples life hell just for a few likes and some laughs. God for it they get told anything because Dear Teacher I Talk To Everyone So Moving My Seat Won’t Help Shirt go off on how they will hurt someone. Raise your kids better, make sure they do not treat anyone this way, we only have each other.
Dear Teacher I Talk To Everyone So Moving My Seat Won’t Help Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater Ladies T-Shirt

Thank you to the dentists who helped her. I couldn’t figure out why she was being bullied. I didn’t notice the teeth at first but i did notice her smile. You are a very beautiful woman with a beautiful smile. Am so happy for you. God bless you. She looks great!!! I’m happy she got a wonderful set of teeth!

I bet she has more confidence in herself now. What a cool dentist! My teeth look great on the outside, but they are all going bad from the inside out and it sucks i brush my teeth every day. I have a state health plan but they only cover pulling teeth and i’ve already had three teeth pulled from my bottom right jaw.

Dear Teacher I Talk To Everyone So Moving My Seat Won’t Help Shirt, V-Neck, Tank-Top, Long Sleeve T-Shirt

I can’t afford the 13k it takes to fix my teeth i wish there was a better way. What ever happened to the days where if you didn’t have anything nice to say you didn’t say it at all? Yep those days are out the door!! most of america has changed too much and is so unkind.

I am very happy for this lady. Should we stop helping others and nit pick every kind act one does for another??? I say no and let all the hate fire us up to do more kindness in the world. It would be a huge undertaking if they aren’t dentures. It would start with making sure there is no gum disease or decay.

Then probably braces or some type of tooth movement. What is left would require extensive crown and bridge work, partials, implants or a full denture. In any event if it is a denture or other it looks Dear Teacher I Talk To Everyone So Moving My Seat Won’t Help Shirt! and if it is a denture she will be miserable! They will become “party” teeth and probably only worn when she goes out. I’d be curious what was done for free!