It’s all about the money for these nursing schools. Yet there are still programs available for an ADN degree in nursing if BSN is the future requirement why even have the ADN program still as an option? When I was looking at nursing programs in 1980, the push was bachelor’s degree. So that’s what I Free Rick Rick And Morty Shirt. I don’t see why we keep the other programs going. I work with excellent nurses from all programs and have great respect for all of them. I can’t see forcing licensed nurses back to school but, if a standard has been set, we need programs that meet that standard.
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Cherie.. did I know that we graduated the same year with the same degree? Actually I have an ASN though. It’s not about money. It’s about supporting people in the community and in rural areas to get their degree.. and then while working and getting some tuition reimbursement to complete BSN within 3-5 years. That’s the trend. Because of parochialism. Because we are too butt hurt as a profession to move on from this ridiculous debate about education required for entry to practice.

Because we are too stupid to move past our history and into the future. Because we cannot excise the working class mentality from our ranks and replace it with a professional frame of thinking. Anything else I can help you with? I was a Registered Nurse for 27 years. I was a staff nurse, ER nurse, Director of different departments, House Supervisor, Pharmacy Director, Director of Respiratory Services, Teacher in a hospital-based LVN program, and last, but not least, Director of Nursing. All with my very humble Associates Degree in Nursing.

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It takes a 2 year degree to become an RN. If you have a 4 year degree, guess what that makes you? An RN with a 4 year degree. You still take the exact same test for licensure, whether you have a 2-year or a 4-year degree. I am a retired nurse from a diploma program. I went to school to actually take care of people,not put BSN after my name. Our training was very intense and we learned what it is to truly be a nurse. I did pediatric rotation at a Boston hospital.

As junior nursing students we were often put in charge of a floor because of nurse shortage(beyond scary). We also would be in charge of BSN students. They were book smart but had no nursing skills at all and did a lot of scary things,like giving apple juice IV. Give me a diploma nurse anyday. I mentioned that in an above comment. I am a Diploma RN and my skills rocked the BSN new grads when I was in my first semester of school. Within 6 weeks of the beginning of my program, we were on the floor doing pt care. Granted, it was baths and vital signs, but we were reviewing charts, doing care plans etc. By the second semester (12 weeks in) we were passing meds, doing injections, learning to start IV’s.

The BSN students had never done pt care until the last semester of their program and they failed to have many of the practical hands on skills that my friends and I had. And I’m talking about basic practical skills I’m all about getting a degree if needed, I’m making my girls get theirs, but they aren’t planning to go into nursing. The careers they are seeking really do need more book knowledge. Nursing is a hands on profession. The book part is important (Free Rick Rick And Morty Shirt), but if you don’t have the practical skills to start an IV or give an injection or put in a cath, that book isn’t gonna help you. But that’s just my opinion.