One response to the statement, “There’s no way of proving what happened that long ago.” If you step outside during the day, and observe that our Sun is blazing away up there in Porsche 911 Gt3 Rs Hoodie, blanketing your surroundings in brilliant visible light, and warming your skin with ultraviolet radiation, how are you able to prove that the electromagnetic energies you are now perceiving emanated from that star 8-1/2 minutes ago?
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You use physical constants, proven over 100+ years, through experimentation and the Scientific Method. What, then, can the difference be between proving that some cosmological event happened 8-1/2 minutes ago, and one that occurred 130 million years ago? As said by others, skepticism is the catalyst for knowledge. We really can’t define that which is real and true without first doubting it, and establishing a baseline for the science to prove it out.

You are generally correct, Jacob. It’s much more conveniently effortless for the Earth-bound mind to dismiss any discovery that can’t be held in the hand. Fear!!!!!! They live in the “now”. What’s wrong with that? Most live that way. I live that way 99% of the time, but and odd time I see something that boils my brain and think ” wow”. Is it fact? I don’t know, do you?

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We trust the educated ones ( not saying neither of us are uneducated), its what they studied for. If him with the apple, back in the day, could work out gravity. Today’s scientists, with a big telescope, can work out these things Dean Norris. Or can they? Can I prove I am correct anymore than you can discount theirs???? I don’t know….. Nor do you. Will it impact in our lifetime, hmmmmm? No. That is fact.

Kit WatsonThat’s why the number of scientists is and has always been a few comparing to the whole population on the earth! Only a few people can get it! No wonder! What’s happened through attacks in your land and mine, recently, we have differing views (that’s normal), just have banter!!!!! (British colloquialism for “have a laugh/joke). Stay safe both of you. o be honest nobody can prove anything.

Take the similar example of the two Black Holes merging; what they have detected is a disturbance within an Interferometer whose data is in line with predictions. They did not see the merge. They were not there. There is no physical matter to perform some analysis of Porsche 911 Gt3 Rs Hoodie. The ‘Chirp’ which people are offered in many presentations is merely a sonic representation of peaks and troughs in gravity waves, but not the mysterious Gravitational Radiation itself, which they claim to have discovered.