That thing that bothers me the most is that her pic went viral because she was so happy for another woman who was getting proposed to and got made fun of instead. Paulie Bleeker Workout Dancing Elk Condors Shirt really hope her confidence levels go though the roof and this will be a new beginning for her. She seems like such a beautiful soul.
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I’ve had crooked teeth my whole life and people say nasty things or some just don’t say anything but stare. It hasn’t broken my confidence. You shouldn’t love yourself for your looks but for who you are. Beauty is temporary. The only problem i have with this is that the doctors reason for helping her is how she handled the situation and not that people were being mean.

The generosity was hinged on her behavior and not the behavior of others untoward her. People are so mean.. My 9 year old son gets made fun of at school because he had cleft lip/palate. His front tooth is twisted & his nostrils are not symmetrical. Hurts my heart to hear him repeat what they say. If you make fun of others you are pathetic.

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I hope the person who actually took the pic feels guilt, it’s so sad we laugh at peoples flaws. Thankful for the dentist that helped i’m sure she truly appreciates it. She’s a beautiful queen no matter what. It really bothers me when people make fun of other people’s looks.

Don’t get me wrong now, if someone has a nasty attitude they are game to be made fun of for anything and everything… But someone as nice as this woman should not be made fun of just because of something in their looks. People are rude and don’t realize how much they can hurt someone’s self esteem by doing that. So sweet of the doctors to help this woman.

Why are lot of Paulie Bleeker Workout Dancing Elk Condors Shirt heartless with their actions and comments! Ppl forget that we can turn handicap in a second by an accident or have a child with disabilities…. Imagine? Wth is wrong with people -.- why would you go out of your way to simply hurt someone who hasn’t even done anything to you. Poor lady, i’m glad she got help and has a smile she can feel great with, least she is happy and thank to her haters she got help.